As they say if you born poor is never your fault, however if you die poor it is definitely your fault. In fact if your die poor it is your own doing and no one else to blame only but yourselves. During your life journey the universe may have given you amble of opportunity as the career and professional advancement together with packages power and position as well as life style reward. What is important how do you manage with all the given gift of life, are you able to effectively growth financially and spiritually. Remember whatever gift given by the universe in term position of power and the business wealth it also goes along with the responsibilities attached to it. The universe has chosen and entrusted you those power and wealth, and in return the universe will reassess how well you able manage those power and wealth given to you. The universe expect you to manage those given wealth of your professional skill and talent which you could command high level of package of remuneration or you able own higher growth of business opportunity. What the universe expected out of you of how prudently your manages those given tremendous wealth or professional position into an effective use which could benefited human kind and it community. If in event you have not wisely and prudently manages those entrusted wealth and also you have ignore the needy one who really deserve with a financial assistance from, the universe will eventually take back those wealth from you. In the final analysis you might end up with worst scenario in negative wealth position. The ability to grow with what you available have greatly influence your level of financial discipline which also relates to of Delayed Gratification (DG). Delayed gratification, or deferred gratification, describes the process that the subject undergoes when the subject resists the temptation of an immediate reward in preference for a later reward. Generally, delayed gratification is associated with resisting a smaller but more immediate reward in order to receive a larger or more enduring reward later. In addition to the application of the financial discipline of DG we also need to apply another financial discipline of learning to further stretch your income cash inflow. The simple concept of implementing the further stretch you cash income flow is to try to make the best usage whatever you have and live well below you mean always has second thought of involving any major purchases. Remember that good thing in life never last and in the most case the good thing in life is usually in short time frame even without realize your good thing has expeditiously expired. During your initial life journey you have traded your life span youthful life return awarded with you cash income flow. You need to wisely and prudently manage these accumulative income flow because you are not getting younger and stronger, It is the reverse, the growing strategy is the preparation.
Writer : En Rosli Saran. Editor : En Mohd Fadhli Omar. They currently are helping the normal everyday people to enhance their Financial Literacy enable them to experience a real comfortable and sustainable financial position.
En Rosli previously was Head of Treasury in one of the GLC and also a Certified Financial advisor.